Hello, my name is Pim.
I'm a front-end developer from Nijmegen in the south-east of The Netherlands. I love to work with, discuss, tweet and write about HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other related stuff.
I've been building things for the internet since late 1998. Although I initially started as a webdesigner who also did a bit of HTML and CSS, but quite early on I felt that it was a waste of time making pictures of website. So gradually I focused more on front-end development and that's what I've been doing for the last six or seven years. If you're interested, take a look at my work experience and education.

I've always learnt a lot from other people's blogs, articles and tweets. Now I'd like to hopefully do something back, that's why I finally started writing some of my thoughts down. I've written 7 posts since starting this blog in October 2016. My latest article is Write descriptive headings, not just descriptive links.